
甘肃岷县野生当归资源分布特点及其与栽培当归生长特性的比较研究     被引量:43

Comparative study on distributed feature of wild Angelica sinensis resources and the difference in growth characteristics with its cultivars native to Min County of Gansu



英文题名:Comparative study on distributed feature of wild Angelica sinensis resources and the difference in growth characteristics with its cultivars native to Min County of Gansu










外文期刊名:Acta Prataculturae Sinica





外文关键词:wild Angelica sinensis; cultivated A. sinensis; resource distribution; medicinal materials reserves; comparative study

Using methods of route survey and sam County were comprehensive surveyed in order to piing investigation, wild Angelica sinensis resources in Min further explore distributed characteristics of the resources, medicinal materials reserves, botanical feature for the wild plant in differently ecological districts of Min Coun- ty, and to explore its differences in plant morphology and disease resistance with the cultivated A. sinensis. The results showed that the wild A. sinensis populations were found for the first time in three sample sites as Maye forest farm at Sigou Township, the 4th commune of Fanrong village at Mawu Township and Shangshizi Shajin village at Mawu Township and their neighborhood in Min County, Gansu province. The wild A. sinensis only distributed in the Maye and Mayan forestry area of Min County and the distribution area was nearly 17.9 km2 with about 1094.9 kg of medicinal materials reserves. There existed no difference in most botanical fea- tures between the wild and the eultivars, except for plant height, root size, root color and stem color. Com- pared to the cultivated A. sinensis plants, morphological parameters of the wild A. sinensis plants were signifi- cantly lower (P^0.01). Leaf number, plant height, the fresh weight of the above ground parts, root diame- ter, the fresh and the dry weight of root of the wild A. sinensis plants were 64.7~, 64.5%, 47.6~, 28.6~, 26.2~ and 38. l~/00 of the cultivated ones dug at the same time, respectively. Disease investigation result showed that incidences of Ditylenchus destructor and other disease were 17.5o//oo and 5.0% respectively in the cultivated A. sinensis plants, but none was found in the wild A. sinensis plants. The above results showed that the wild A. sinensis was valuable basic-materials to breed new A. sinensis varieties with disease resistance, al- though its productive performance was lower than that of the cultivars. It considered that to explore and pro- tect the wild A. sinensis resources (especially in genuine producing area) is extremely important to breed new varieties of A. sinensis in the future. So it suggests that the related agency should make policy to protect the wild resources found in Min County as soon as possible.



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