
基于多指标分析甘肃产掌叶大黄质量     被引量:6

Analysis on Quality of Rheum Palmatum L. from Gansu Province Based on Multicriteria Method



英文题名:Analysis on Quality of Rheum Palmatum L. from Gansu Province Based on Multicriteria Method










外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine





外文关键词:Rheum palmatum L.; fingerprints; QAMS; qualitative comparison

摘要:目的采用指纹图谱与一测多评相结合的方法测定掌叶大黄5种指标性成分,分析比较甘肃不同产区、不同生长年限掌叶大黄质量,确定其最适种植区和最佳发展区。方法采用药典方法测定掌叶大黄含水量、总灰分、水溶性浸出物,HPLC测定5种指标性成分,指纹图谱与一测多评相结合评价15批掌叶大黄质量。结果 15批掌叶大黄的含水量均小于15%,总灰分均小于10%,水溶性浸出物均大于25%,符合药典标准;15批样品指纹图谱标定共有峰23个,其中已确定成分芦荟大黄素线性范围0.012 2~0.734 4μg(r=0.999 9)、大黄酸线性范围0.007 14~5.712 0μg(r=0.999 9)、大黄素线性范围0.008 8~0.704 0μg(r=1.000 0)、大黄酚线性范围0.122 4~3.672 0μg(r=0.999 9)、大黄素甲醚线性范围0.014 8~5.920 0μg(r=0.999 7);采用相对校正因子计算的含量值与实测值之间无显著差异,建立的相对校正因子重现性良好。甘肃产掌叶大黄质量在不同产区、不同年限间存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中礼县上萍乡、宕昌南河乡茹树村所产2年生掌叶大黄质量最好,宕昌地区掌叶大黄3年生优于2年生。结论所建立的指纹图谱和一测多评方法准确、可行,可用于甘肃掌叶大黄质量比较。各产区中,以礼县和宕昌地区适宜种植及发展大黄产业,甘肃礼县和宕昌地区2年生以上掌叶大黄适合药用。
Objective To compare the quality of Rheum palmatum L.in different areas and ages in Gansu Province by comparing five components in Rheum palmatum L.through fingerprints and QAMS(quantitative analysis of multi-components)methods;To determine the most suitable growing areas and the best development areas in Gansu Province.Methods The water content,total ashes,and water-soluble extract content in15batches of Rheum palmatum L.from different areas and ages in Gansu Province were determined according to the approaches listed in the Chinese Pharmacopeia.The contents of five index components were determined through HPLC and the quality of15batches of Rheum palmatum L were evaluated by fingerprint and QAMS method.Results The results from15batches of Rheum palmatum L.showed that the water content was less than15%,total ashes less than10%,and water-soluble extract content less than25%,conforming to Pharmacopoeia.There were23common peaks in the fingerprints of15batches of Rheum palmatum L..Five of them were identified as aloe-emodin,rhein,emodin,chrysophanol and physcion,which showed good linear relationship in the range of0.0122-0.7344μg(r=0.9999),0.00714-5.7120μg(r=0.9999),0.0088-0.7040μg(r=1.0000),0.1224-3.6720μg(r=0.9999)and0.0148-5.9200μg(r=0.9997),respectively.There was no significant difference between the calculated value and the measured value by using the relative correction factor(RCF),and the reproducibility of RCF was good.The quality of Rheum palmatum L.from different areas and ages in Gansu Province significantly differed(P<0.05).Two year old Rheum palmatum L.from Pingxiang village of Li county and Rushu village of Tanchang county had the best quality,and that of three years old was better than two years old from Tanchang county.Conclusion The established fingerprints and QAMS method is accurate,feasible,and can be used for the quality comparison of Rheum palmatum L.from different areas and ages in Gansu Province.Li County and Tanchang County areas in Gansu Province can be used as suitable planting areas and development industry.Therefore,it is recommended to select more than two yeas old Rheum palmatum L.from Tanchang County and Li County in Gansu Province for medicinal application.



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